Activities! A Pajama Party (Fun!) A Circus (More Fun!) Negative Numbers (Surprisingly Fun!) And Percy on the Playground (Not so Fun, then Lots of Fun!)
The Stuart J. Murphy Activities Newsletter comes out every other Wednesday, filled with selections from a vast and wonderful archive of Early Math & Early Childhood Ed activities.
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Hello, Everybody!
Wow! Percy sure looks scary going down slide making that face. Nobody wants to play with a monster on the playground. Will Percy learn to be a “safe monster”? I am pretty sure with some encouragement from his friends at Ready, Set, Pre-K, he will. Are you a “safe monster”?
This week’s featured I See I Learn story is available in English and Spanish: Percy Plays It Safe (playground safety) | Percy juega con ciudado (seguridad en los parques de recreo). Be sure to scroll down for FREE pdf posters!
This week’s featured MathStart books are:
Rabbit’s Pajama Party (sequencing) *Rabbit has the best parties!
Animals on Board (adding) *Do you know what all the different animals are?
Less Than Zero (negative numbers) *Scroll down for the video and sing the Perry song from The Main Street Kids Club: A MathStart Musical!
Speaking of sequencing, Rabbit is going to love this: The amazing online Early Math Symposium is coming up on October 29 and I will be presenting with my good friend, the brilliant educator Jonathan Dueck. But first you have to sign up. Next, please tell all your friends! It is going to be great!
Your friend, who loves pajama parties, circuses, “fishy floats” with Perry and playgrounds,
Mathstart is a series of 63 storybooks organized into three levels for Pre-K through Grade 4. Each story teaches a different mathematical skill.
You can buy individual books, sets by level, or a complete library. Here is list of where to find MathStart books!
• Level 1, Pre-K/ Kindergarten:
Rabbits Pajama Party (sequencing)
Rabbit throws the best sleep over parties! There's pizza, hot fudge sundaes, sleeping bags, scary stories and more. Can you remember what happened first? Then next? And after that?
Sequencing is a key concept in math as well as story comprehension.
• Level 2, Kindergarten / Grade 1:
Animals on Board (adding)
Wow! It's a caravan of trucks, each carrying an exotic load. There are three tigers on the first truck, followed by two more on the next truck. How many tigers in all? Then come trucks filled with different numbers of swans, frogs, horses and even pandas. How many are there of each animal? And where are they headed? And what's hidden under the tarp of driver Jill's extra-wide truck?
Simple addition equations help children to understand basic arithmetical operations.
• Level 3, Grades 2 - 4:
Less Than Zero (Negative Numbers)
It is so much fun to be a penguin—especially when you can swirl around on your very own ice scooter. Perry really wants one, but they cost 9 clams and he doesn't have a clam to his name. Then mom pays him 4 clams to trim the ice in front of their house. Perry decides to make a chart to track his savings. So far, so good! But then he goes to the Ice Circus with Fuzzy and it costs 5 clams. Fuzzy lends him the extra clam and now Perry is in debt and has to mark his chart at "-1." When Baldy loans him 2 clams for a Fishy Float, the total dips even further, to "-3." Will Perry be able to climb out of negative number territory, pay back his friends, and make enough money for a scooter? Good thing there's always plenty of snow to shovel!
The introduction of negative numbers extends a child's knowledge of the number system and is an important concept in algebra.
I See I Learn is a series of 16 stories that follow the adventures of the children in Miss Cathy’s class at Ready, Set Pre-K in See-and-Learn City (see map).
Each story focuses on a different social, emotional, health & safety and cognitive skill important for success in school and in life. For Pre-K / Kindergarten.
20% off on book sets on the I See I Learn store!
Percy Plays It Safe (cooperation)
Percy loves to go to the playground. He plays on the swings, the slide, and the monkey bars—and in the big sandbox. But what happens when Percy doesn’t play it safe?
Knowing how to follow playground rules, use common sense, and respect others are important skills to keep children from hurting themselves or others.
Safe play is fun play!
Percy juega con cuidado (seguridad en los parques de recreo)
A Percy le encanta ir al parque. Juega en los columpios, en el tobogán, y en las barras -- y en el arenero. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando Percy no juega con cuidado?
Saber como seguir las reglas del parque de recreo, usar sentido común, y respetar a los demás son destrezas importantes para asegurar que los niños no se lastimen a si mismos o a los demás.
Do you have a story or a question? Please send me an email!